
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Small stone, Day 12

once again, I'm late getting to the blog.
I know, I know,
it's now day 13, not day 12.
But, this small stone was written
quite a few hours before midnight,
so even though I'm posting it here
on the 13th,
it was posted on the group page on the 12th.

Today's small stone
is brought to you by the wonders of technology.
Yes, it's a wonderful thing.
When it works.
But, there are times
when it decides to take
it's own sweet time, aren't there?

And, since I'm not renowned for my patience,
it aggravates me.
And there's really nothing sillier
than a grown woman
sitting in front of a computer
swearing furiously at it.
Just the thought of it makes me giggle.

Anyway, here's my little pebble of the day
for Friday, January 12th:

The tiny blue wheel
spins round and round
while seconds stretch to eternity. 
Will this page ever load?

Yeah, I know - it's nothing special.
But, I like it anyway, for some odd reason.

Let's hope I can get back to the music today
and make my small stone sing a sweet song.
I'm getting a little tired of the barely audible hum...

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